Photography Post Processing
For most professional photographers, a photoshoot project is a complex two-part endeavor that begins with the actual shoot that can take days at a time. The next part of the project is post production that they often do not have time to complete as they must embark on other photo shoots as well as obtain other clients to build their photography business. As photographers generally do not have the time for post-production, many resort to outsourcing the post processing of their photos to an experienced and reputable professional photo editing service. These experienced photo editors are highly skilled at all aspects of the photography post processing and offer some very amazing services. As a photographer, you stand to gain a lot of advantages when outsourcing your post processing to such a service.
Portrait Photography Post Processing
In fashion photography, models can only appear as flawless as makeup allows. In many portraits, models have skin blemishes, clothing wrinkles, and other imperfections that need professional editing to resolve. This is where post processing becomes an advantage as professional photo editors clean up images through some very effective methods such as:
Retouching Headshots
Body Retouching
Skin and Hair Retouching
Background Retouching
Background Removal
Skin Imperfections Retouching
Wrinkles Removal

Editing Plans That Fit Your Needs
Level 1
- Removing the background
- Cropping or resizing
- White or transparent background
- Custom background color
- JPG, PNG or PSD format
- Web optimzed images
- Amazon or other marketplaces optimized
- Natural Shadow $0.50
- Drop Shadow $0.50
- Reflection $0.50
- Ghost mannequin $1
- Level 1 retouch $2
- Level 2 retouch $5
- Level 3 retouch $10
Family Photography Post Processing

A very popular niche for many photographers is family photography, which is very much in demand as it ever was. To provide the best family photography service possible, many photographers have to outsource the post processing of their pictures to professionals who edit pictures via these methods:
Background Removal
Background Retouching
Clothes Retouching
Editing Body Positions
Merging Background
Be it few images or bulk, we got you covered
The more images you have, the bigger the discount, contact us to get a custom offer.
50-250 Pictures
250-1000 Pictures
1000-5000 Pictures
Newborn Photography
Just like family photography, newborn and baby photography is a very popular niche to get into as a photographer. Build your clientele by producing the best infant photography portfolio and presenting it to potential customers. To ensure the best portfolio possible, have your photos edited by professional photo editors who specialize in photo editing techniques such as:
Wrinkles Removal
Skin Color Retouching
Holding Hands Removal
Background Removal
Merging Backgrounds
Photo Manipulation

Other Services

The biggest major advantage of outsourcing the post processing of your photography to a professional photo editing provider is the multitude of other services that they offer. You can have post processing done for wedding photography, product photography, and jewelry photography. Other available post processing services are:
Food Photography Post Processing
Real Estate Photography Post Processing
Architecture Photography Post Processing
Car Photography Post Processing
Damaged Images Post Processing
Magazine Images Post Processing
Image Manipulation
Digital Montage Manipulation
If your goal is to build your photography business by focusing more time on building clientele, you may need to consider outsourcing the post processing of your photos to The Pix today. We are an extremely experienced and reputable professional photo editing service with an outstanding track record. We also pride ourselves at providing competitive and very affordable rates. For more information about our services, feel free to visit our Services pageor simply leave us a message for any other inquiries.